This is my second Marchetta. She never disappoints!
When Francesca Spinelli's go-getter fight-for-the-right borderline overbearing mother (Mia Spinelli, a communications lecturer at the University of Technology-Sydney) suddenly switches off, she is left with the burden to go on with life without the person who although constantly nags on her is the one running their household.
Having been just transferred to St. Sebastian's (an all boys school that recently just opened their place to Year Eleven girls), Francesca tries her hardest to cope up with the new school environment.
With a few classmates from her old school (St. Stella's) who also enrolled at St. Sebastian's, the story of learning to get along with the opposite sex, rekindled friendships, understanding your family and a little bit of romance unravels.
I made the review short because I have quite a few things to say.
First off, Melina has an amazing talent to create character after character that all varies but works very well with each other. She already proved that in Jellicoe Road and proved it yet again here in Saving Francesca. It's impressive actually because they all are very complex, they all have stories and reasons why they are the way they are. I'd like to acquire the same talent too.
Although Jellicoe Road was sad and beautiful and intense, this one is lighter and easy to read. I like it very much, it didn't lack substance regardless the nature. This is the only book I've ever come across with, in my five years of reading YA novels, that the heroine's love interest is described as "not attractive". It is certainly a breath of fresh air because this seems to be a book that is being true to the readers. We all know that, in the long-run, it is the personal qualities of a person we are attracted to and not the too-impossible standards of beauty.
Let's all see if Francesca was ever saved in Saving Francesca!
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