Once I found a copy of this book at National Bookstore, SM Southmall... I didn't hesitate to purchase it right away. I knew I had to buy it immediately because the John Green books here in the Philippines sell like hotcakes. Business is good here for Mr. Green.
Just after high school graduation, child prodigy and anagram-loving Colin Singleton lies face-down on the carpet of his bedroom floor faster than you can say depressed, having just recently dumped by Katherine number 19. Now, although weird and hard-to-explain, Colin has only ever dated girls named Katherine. All of whom, dumped him. Always the dumpee, never the dumper. Or is it?
So his Arabian best friend Hassan picks him up from his misery and suggests a soul-searching, self-redeeming roadtrip.
Leaving Chicago and soon stopping in Gutshot, Tennessee for a supposed-to-be quick detour to visit the tomb of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. They get sucked in into the world of Gutshot after that.
This book has a LOT to offer. I enjoyed the footnotes!
I am born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and so I enjoyed the Arabian streaks in this one.
There are SO many idiosyncrasies and I love how it tends to make you feel part of the story, I loved the quirks! I loved the kafir! The sitzpinkler! The Dingleberries! The Hassan Daddy jokes! The "Hi." and "Hi." between Lindsey Lee Wells and Colin!
I learned a lot from this one really, well, it's a John Green book so anybody would expect nothing but the best. It just made me want to learn a lot of things like, more languages and history and books.
And that it makes you compare yourself with the characters as well, how badly I want to matter just like Colin. How mattering is a reflection of what matters to you. And how you can find yourself differently in the end if you just step outside your orbit. How stories make people immortal and how the future is an infinite possibility.